Most oil wells require artificial lift when formation pressure becomes inadequate to lift fluids to the surface. Gas lift is commonly used to increase fluid production. Once the fluid reaches the surface, crude oil, water and produced gas are all separated. Processing the produced gas before compression and gas lift injection can increase the compressor run time and optimize production. Torrent Energy Services provides gas processing services with our Mechanical Refrigeration Units (MRU’s) and NGL storage tanks.
Our experienced engineering and operations team will ensure success by properly sizing the customer’s application and providing the necessary equipment required for the job. Typical equipment includes MRU(s) and 18K gallon bullet tanks used to optimize the gas lift compressor which will already be on site.
Torrent Energy Services understands that when the gas lift compressor goes down, so does all of the production. We provide a turn-key solution for gas lift processing needs. Once the gas is processed, the NGLs are stabilized and stored for sale and transport. This additional revenue stream can potentially offset the equipment rental and service.
Benefits of processing prior to gas compression:
- Reduce the compression horsepower required
- Increase run time by running engine on a reduced Btu fuel gas
- Reduce daily operating costs by minimizing wear and tear
- Reduce harmful emissions
Benefits of processing prior to gas lift injection:
- Maximize fluid lift effectiveness with the proper gas to liquid ratio
- Minimize the injection of methanol which is normally used to prevent hydrate formation in the production tubing